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The global pandemic has many companies questioning whether or not to host virtual year-end events for their teams. If you’re thinking about cancelling Christmas, New Years or any other year-end parties… don’t! Virtual year-end celebrations are just what your teams need to wind down from a challenging year and mentally prepare for 2021, and there are a ton of creative ways you can come together online.

Your teams need year-end events more than even they may realize. Typically, year-end parties have provided a means for teams to connect, celebrate and be celebrated, free from daily stresses and office pressures. These days, with fewer resources, teams working longer hours, new technologies, and uncertainty surrounding health and social well-being, one of the greatest gifts a company can provide is the time to pause, to reflect, to rejuvenate and to mentally prepare for the year ahead. Your virtual year-end celebrations can do just that!

Different Isn’t a Bad Thing
Virtual year-end events might not be what you’re used to, but they can be just as meaningful as any in-person experience. In fact, companies like Xerox, Toptal and FlexJobs have been hosting them for years as remote-working arrangements have become more popular [source: The Atlantic]. From Halloween costume parties to year-end award galas, the virtual space affords companies a brand new creative frontier in which to surprise, delight and engage their people.

The benefits of hosting virtual year-end events speak for themselves, especially in times like these:

  • Deliver a message of positivity and reassurance to your people
  • Show appreciation for your hard working teams
  • Enable your people to strengthen social bonds
  • Improve trust and productivity
  • Instill a positive mindset which carries over to the treatment of customers and fellow employees
  • Lessen the chance of burnout

Rock Your Year-End Events
The secret to an unforgettable virtual year-end event is in keeping the entertainment moving and catering to multiple senses. By now, we all know that attention spans in the virtual world are a fraction of what they are in-person. To generate engagement and hold it, your entertainment program needs to progress with all the precision of a late night variety show — draw them in, make them laugh, keep them smiling! The more you can incorporate additional senses (e.g. a virtual mixology lesson, a virtual scavenger hunt, a virtual lip sync battle, etc.), the more immersive and meaningful the shared experience.

SongDivision’s array of virtual music programs are perfectly suited and custom-designed for your year-end celebrations. Whether you’re looking to host a Musical Halloween Costume Bash, a Rockin’ Remote Christmas Celebration, a Virtual New Years Extravaganza, or anything in between, our world-class musicians will concept and produce music-fuelled virtual events that deliver entertainment, laughs and well-deserved good times!

Ideas to get you started:

  • Virtual Happy Hour – A musical variety show that spans a full hour of comedy, meaningful discussions, rock & roll trivia and interactive songwriting [See it in action]
  • Virtual Song Slam – Whether live or virtual, engage in some friendly competition in this ‘Battle of the Bands’ style event where your teams write and perform songs to express your company’s purpose [See it in action]
  • Broadcast Band – A live, custom soundtrack to give your virtual meetings and events all the feel and energy of a legendary late night talk show. [See it in action]
  • Virtual Lip Sync Battle – Face off in this high-energy competition of lip-syncing and choreography led by our engaging MCs and DJs for your next live or virtual event. [See it in action]


Need even more ideas for your Virtual Year-End Celebrations?
More Ideas Here

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