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As you prepare for 2019, you’ve likely thought about how best to engage your workforce to inspire the performance needed for a successful year. You’ve scheduled employee reviews, performance planning, and energetic sales kick-offs and conferences in an effort to motivate your teams to take on a fresh year of challenges.

But, have you considered how well your teams understand your company’s purpose? Moreover, how accountable do they feel to it? Without purpose, even the best motivators fall short, turning your sales kick-offs and conferences into short-lived pep rallies as opposed to valuable building blocks for company culture.


Without purpose, even the best motivators fall short, turning your sales kick-offs and conferences into short-lived pep rallies as opposed to valuable building blocks for company culture.


To understand how purpose is distinct from other organizational pillars, consider hiking a mountain. Your Vision is the destination, the summit. Your Mission is what you’d like to accomplish along the way. Your Purpose, however, is your very reason for setting out on the journey in the first place. Your teams can get behind, even get excited about a lofty vision, but when times are tough and that vision seems out of reach, a unified belief in why you’re doing it is what will keep them engaged, and your company successful.

So, how do you inspire a deeper sense of purpose within your company? The good news is that every company has a purpose, you just need to identify it, if you haven’t already. Consider why your company exists – in most cases this comes down to your unique way of fulfilling basic human needs – physiological, safety, social, etc.

Did you know SongDivision can help you identify your company purpose using music? Learn about our Culture Club programming.

Once you’ve identified it, it’s just a matter of consistency. Make it your litmus test for everything that you do. Tie hiring practices, performance evaluations, and sales targets to qualities that support your purpose. Along the way, ask yourself, ‘how does this represent why our company exists?’ and stay firm when an idea doesn’t stack up. Most of all, be sure to continually celebrate your purpose in sales kick-offs, meetings and company conferences throughout the year.

Music is particularly well-positioned for building company culture around purpose given its proven ability to strengthen relationships and its strong ties to happiness and memory. When considering how best to communicate your purpose and build strong teams at your start-of-the-year conferences, consider the following programming to unite your teams using music.

Team Anthem – Create a memorable song that captures the voice of your teams and meaningfully communicates your message.

Keynotes & Workshops – Music-infused, interactive presentations by our experienced musicians and thought leaders, designed to engage your audience on the topics of Innovation, Leadership, and Cultural Transformation.

Musical MC’s & Hosts – Liven up your event and entertain your audience with our charismatic musical MC’s and Hosts who seamlessly incorporate key messaging throughout the program.


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