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What if you could use music to connect people to climate change? That’s what Predoctoral Instructor, Judy Twedt, asked herself after seeing her students become overwhelmed with endless charts of data, unable to connect with what was truly happening to the world.

According to Twedt, static charts provide a visual snapshot of the earth’s health, but if your ultimate goal is to inspire people to take action, it takes something more emotional and memorable. Setting that data to music enables people to comprehend what’s happening on a much deeper level.

Twedt transcribed over three decades of Arctic Sea ice data into musical notes to create an audible picture of global warming. The music begins beautifully and peacefully, but as the ice melts over time, the notes drop in scale, become more dissonant and less rhythmically pleasing. To be sure, this is not Twedt’s musical interpretation of the ice melting, but the actual data talking through music. As you hear the song, you can’t help but feel a sense of anxiety and concern, which highlights Twedt’s purpose of using music to create deeper connections to climate change.

Her TEDx talk is a powerful one and worth a full watch, but if you only have a few minutes, listen to the song performed by Christina Lee at the 9:25 mark.

Twedt’s research uses the power of music to help people comprehend and emotionally relate to complex ideas. Imagine what music can do for your company when it comes to communicating your purpose and core values.


Unite your teams while creating your own anthem in support of climate change awareness.
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