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Kraft + SongDivision


Leading up to the launch of a $19B startup, nearly 50 of Kraft Foods senior managers from across the globe gathered in Chicago to attend their leadership summit. Kraft had recently undergone structural changes that included revised messaging around the company’s vision. SongDivision was called in to create a unique collaborative experience that would spark creative thinking among the group and unite leaders around their purpose and ‘The New Kraft Foods.’

We came up with a combination of our interactive Team Anthem and exclusive VIP Recording Studio Experience, and we booked the perfect venue for the event, SPACE – a multi-purpose facility including a recording studio and live music hall under the same roof. In the weeks leading up to the summit, we interviewed leaders from Kraft to better understand their perceptions of the brand and key objectives for the meeting.

On the day of the event, Kraft arrived excited and ready to rock. Our SongDivision band, led by our own Angus Clark (Trans Siberian Orchestra), spent time with the team discussing culture, values, and leadership before breaking into groups and crafting lyrics to represent these ideas. Over the course of the morning, Kraft’s original song came to life, and more importantly, company leaders began to form a unified vision of their unique culture and how to carry the business forward. It was time to hit the studio to lay down the new track, and for the Kraft team, to solidify the bonds they had formed over the course of the day. The SongDivision band rocked their parts, while the Kraft team came together and nailed their takes.

The songwriting and recording process was the perfect solution to breaking down traditional corporate barriers and putting leaders in a creative environment where their ideas could be heard, free of judgment. At the end of the day, attendees walked away with a unified vision of their new culture, a meaningful song, and a memorable experience that would fuel their business for future success.

Create memorable events using music.
